Welcome on MaTerRE platform

This platform is dedicated to MaTerRE 2024 call for proposals for federative equipment / platform (2nd edition) : projects bringing together several teams from the Ile de France Region with a MaTerRE contribution of more than 50,000 euros.

NB : For an equipment with a contribution up to 50 000 euros, please sublit your proposal on the dedicated platform : https://materre-2022-3.sciencescall.org


Eligible projects are carried out between team members of labs working on MaTerRE axes. Any Paris Region lab is eligible, without prior affiliation to the DIM. The submission of a project will be considered as an application for affiliation to the DIM.

The total cost of the project must be less than € 2 000 000 (pre tax cost). MaTerRE’s contribution can’t exceed 66% of the total cost (whichever amount is inferior). Purchase cannot start before MaTerRE's decision.

New equipment and/or upgrade of existing ones are eligible as long as it meets the criteria of the call for proposals.


Equipment developed in situ, tailor-made to meet the specificities of research projects, and involving internal development costs are eligible. Salary for engineer (CDD) who participate in development missions as part of equipment projects can now be taken into account on an exceptional basis when the mobilization of external service providers is impossible. A certificate certifying the integration of these management expenses for these personnel in the investment section of the financial year concerned must be provided.

To be considered eligible, a project must include : this form fulfilled and signed; resume of each project leader (from each partner involved in the project); at least one quote;  at least one illustration for communication purpose ; if applicable, an affiliation form completed (for each team involved in the project that is not affiliated yet).

Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria are the following:

  • Novelty and quality of the collaboration, in terms of complementarity and expected synergy. The project must associate the skills of at least two laboratories relevant for MaTerRE.
  • Scientific and technical quality of the project.
  • Innovative aspect of the project
  • Quality of the cofinancing plan and quality of the environment of the project;
  • Accessibility for Ile de France researchers and especially MaTerRE members : once purchased, clear rules to access to the equipment/platform must be defined and accessible to all.
  • Federative and structuring effect for the network and Ile de France Region.

For shared platforms and equipments, academic/industrial collaborations will be encouraged. (to be specified by support letters).


Projects must be written exclusively in English.

Files must be named according to the following these rules : PROJECTSHORTNAME_PROJECTLEADERNAME_FILENAME.


IMPORTANT : The proposal submission date has been postponed to 10 February 2025 !

20 January 10 February 2025 at 23:59: Deadline for proposal submission

End of April - Beginning of May 2025 : Panel review of the preselected project leaders..

Before end of May 2025: Publication of the results. Final decision will depend on regional allowance


If you require support to promote your project to other IDF teams and for any question, you can contact dim-materre@espci.psl.eu

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